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Philosophy & Economics Bachelor

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Research Project "For the Greater Good? Deepfakes in Law Enforcement"


🚀 Great news! 🎉We're very happy to announce a new, exiting research project coming to Bayreuth: “For the Greater Good? Deepfakes in Law Enforcement”

The Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), has just granted almost one million euros to Lena Kästner (Philosophy, Computer Science & AI), Niklas Kühl (Business Informatics), and Christian Rückert (Criminal Law, IT Criminal Law), who will work together with the Central and Contact Point Cybercrime NRW (Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime NRW).

They will study together the risks and the opportunities of AI-generated content in law enforcement. Can deepfakes be used in investigations in a legally and ethically justifiable manner?

Congrats to Lena, Niklas and Christian, and stay tuned for activities around the project! More information on the project: https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/pressemitteilung/deepfakes-strafverfolgung

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