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Philosophy & Economics Bachelor

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The Philosophy Research Forum and the Economics Research Seminar will again take place this semester


The Philosophy Research Forum will once again take place on intermittent Tuesdays, 16:15 - 17:45, through Zoom.

The first talk will be given by Lucie White on May 4th.
The P&E joint talk will be Samir Okasha's on June 15th.
All are most welcome to attend all talks!

Here is the programm:
- May 4th: Lucie White (Hannover), Personal identity and self-regarding choice

- May 18th: Jakub Szymanik (ILLC Amsterdam), Why are the natural language quantifiers monotone?

- June 1st: Andrea Giananti (Bayreuth), On rational capacities

-June 15th, P&E Joint talk: Samir Okasha (Bristol), Inter-temporal choice and the metaphysics of time

- July 13th: Catherine Herfeld (Zürich), The Many Faces of Rational Choice Theory

In order to stay informed about the Research Forum and to access the Zoom meetings, please join the eLearning site: https://elearning.uni-bayreuth.de/course/view.php?id=29142

The Economics Research Seminar will take place on intermittent Wednesdays, 16:15-17:45, through Zoom.

To get more information and the Zoom links, please join the eLearning course:

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